Is Spam Detected ?
We offer the following API call to determine if a phone is Spam Detected.
End Point –
Api Request
{ "apiKey": "-------zOTgtZGEyOS00MDE1LTgzMjEtNjcwNDg1OGRiODk4", "phone": "6013630210", "pingTypes": "5|6|7|8|11|12", "sourceTypeId": "2" }
apiKey – This can be found in your profile in your Call Confident account
- FTC Complaint = 5
- YouMail = 6
- NomoRoboSpam = 7
- RobokillerSpam = 8
- FCC Complaint = 11
- TrueSpam = 12
API Response
{ "ApiCalledOn": "2024-01-08T06:39:13", "ApiCalledFromIp": "", "ApiStatusCode": 1000, "ApiStatusMessage": "API Success", "Phone": "6013630210", "ApiRequestId": 293830, "IsSpamDetected": true, "DateTime": "2024-01-08T06:39:13.9433442-06:00", "ApiRequestPingList": [ { "Id": 1657270, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 5, "PingTypeValid": true, "PingTypeName": "FTC Complaint Check" }, { "Id": 1657271, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 11, "PingTypeValid": true, "PingTypeName": "FCC Complaint Check" }, { "Id": 1657272, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 8, "PingTypeValid": false, "PingTypeName": "Robokiller Spam Check" }, { "Id": 1657273, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 7, "PingTypeValid": true, "PingTypeName": "NomoRobo Spam Check" }, { "Id": 1657274, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 6, "PingTypeValid": true, "PingTypeName": "Youmail Spam Check" }, { "Id": 1657275, "CustomerApiRequestId": 293830, "PingTypeId": 12, "PingTypeValid": true, "PingTypeName": "TrueSpam Check" } ] }
Device Checker
We offer the following API call to determine if a phone number is shown as Spam Detected across multiple devices and multiple carriers. This will check to see if the submitted phone number shows as Spam Detected on both iPhone and Android devices. The carriers we currently check are T-Mobile, Cingular/ATT, Verizon and Cricket.
Device Checker (Post) – You may validate that a phone is showing spam detected using our device checker api. You will submit the initial post, and once our devices are checked, we will send back to your Web Hook URL. Make sure you have your Web Hook URL set up properly under Your Profile settings.
End Point –
Api Request
{ "apiKey": "-------zOTgtZGEyOS00MDE1LTgzMjEtNjcwNDg1OGRiODk4", "phone": "6013630210", "pingTypes": "1", "sourceTypeId": "2" }
apiKey – This can be found in your profile in your Call Confident account
- DeviceChecker = 1
API Response
You will receive an immediate response back indicating that we received your request. Due to the timing elements involved in checking all devices and carriers, we will send back a final API response to the Web Hook URL listed under Your Profile settings.
{ "ApiCalledOn": "2024-02-21T20:56:38", "ApiCalledFromIp": "", "ApiStatusCode": 1000, "ApiStatusMessage": "API Success", "Phone": "6095211607", "ApiRequestId": 946605, "IsDeviceSpamDetected": "Wait For Webhook", "DateTime": "2024-02-21T20:56:38.496003+05:00", "ApiRequestPingDevice": [ { "CustomerApiRequestId": 946605, "PingTypeId": 1, "PingTypeValid": "Wait For Webhook", "PingTypeName": "Device Spam Check by Carrier" } ] }
Web Hook API Response
*Only subscription plans can use the web hook feature
{ "Id": "28cb583e-ddcb-4692-9b1e-67dc9dc3eee8", "PhoneFrom": "7014145462", "VerizonAndroid": 2, "VerizonScreenAndroid": "", "VerizonIPhone": 2, "VerizonScreenIPhone": "", "TestId": "48318", "TMobileAndroid": 2, "TMobileScreenAndroid": "", "TMobileIPhone": 2, "TMobileScreenIPhone": "", "CingularAndroid": 3, "CingularScreenAndroid": "", "CingularIPhone": 3, "CingularScreenIPhone": "", "CricketAndroid": 3, "CricketScreenAndroid": "", "CricketIPhone": 3, "CricketScreenIPhone": "", "IsDeviceSpamDetected": true, "ApiRequestId": 961395, "Timestamp": "2024-02-23T08:02:08.8518424-06:00" }
We will return results from each device (Android and iPhone) as well as the 4 carriers we check the phone number on (TMobile, Cingular, Verizon and Cricket). These results will include status and screenshot of each. Statuses are:
- 2 – Clean Phone
- 3 – Spam Detected
- 4 – Carrier Blocked our calls